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The Multi-Hazards Podcast

all about protecting communities . . . 

Dec 19, 2020

In this "COVID Survival 101: Winter Edition", we discuss that (1) You are not invincible; you can get COVID-19. Yes, you. Realising that can help you avoid it. (2) Make plans to stay sane
and (3) Aim to make it to the end of the tunnel.

That's it. Maybe you can't thrive right now. Then . . . survive. Make it through...

Dec 5, 2020

"Resilience" means both grit & determination, as well as the ability to bounce back after loss, setbacks & disasters. Mexicans have a lot to teach the world with their concept of "Zozobra" as described by Mexican philosophers Emilio Uranga & Jorge Portilla. "Zozobra" in this COVID-19 pandemic, for example, is the...