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The Multi-Hazards Podcast

all about protecting communities . . . 

Jan 24, 2021

Kevin OReilly (LinkedIn 2021-01-24)

Do products that soon break and cannot be repaired pose a hazard?

And aren't we all fed up with paying for new technology every couple years? Having no right to own outright or repair the things we buy? Kevin O'Reilly is our featured Multi-Hazards guest today, Advocate with US PIRG's Right to Repair Campaign. Our...

Jan 8, 2021

Scott Simpson Pic

Without health, we can't deal with emergencies, let alone daily life. If you want to protect communities or even your own family, you need to protect your own health first. Join indigenous fitness trainer Scott Simpson and Multi-Hazards podcast host Vin Nelsen as they discuss how we can stay fit physically and mentally...

Jan 3, 2021

COVID-19 is "The Big One"; look no further!

As more of the pandemic's devastations come to light over the coming months & years, we will see how deep & devastating it really is. And how it will cause one of the most significant shifts in human society that we've experienced in modern history.

It's time we put ourselves...